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EB Filterable Gallery

1 min read

Essential Blocks allows you to create and display customizable, interactive image galleries with filters and advanced search options using Filterable Gallery in WordPress. EB Filterable Gallery provides various layouts, styling and advanced configuration options for professional, visually appealing galleries. Let us find out how to use this block.

How to Activate Essential Blocks Filterable Gallery?  #

To activate Filterable Gallery, navigate to ‘Essential Blocks’ → ‘Blocks’. Then, toggle to enable this ‘Filterable Gallery’ block and it will be automatically saved.

EB Filterable Gallery

How to Configure Filterable Gallery on Essential Blocks?  #

First, navigate to PageAdd New or select ‘Edit’ on the page options if you already have a created one where you want to add Filterable Gallery from your WordPress dashboard.

EB Filterable Gallery

Then, to add the Filterable Gallery block, click on the ‘+’ icon. Find ‘Filterable Gallery’ using the search bar. Click on the block and you will see it on the page.

EB Filterable Gallery

Alternatively, you can click on the ‘+’ icon from the top left corner of the page, search ‘Filterable Gallery’ at the search bar and you will get the block. Simply drag and drop the block as shown.

You can start with the ‘Blank’ button with a default preset or click on the ‘Choose’ button to select a layout from 6 available presets for your Filterable Gallery. 

EB Filterable Gallery

You will find stunning 6 WordPress Gallery block templates there: ‘Bento Gallery’, ‘Flipbook Gallery’, ‘Mosaic Gallery’, ‘Classic Gallery’, ‘Harmonic Gallery’, and ‘Gridflow Gallery’. You will need access to Essential Blocks PRO for a few gallery templates.

EB Filterable Gallery

General  #

To configure the Filterable Gallery block, click Block Settings Icon to open the ‘General’ tab. Here you can change Layout, presets, Image Size, Number of Columns, Image Gap, Enable/Disable Caption, Description, Lightbox option, Lightbox icon, links etc.

EB Filterable Gallery

Click on ‘Filter’ dropdown menu, toggle buttons to enable/disable Filter, search or All option, along with customizing text, content, add or remove Filter Items.  

EB Filterable Gallery

In Gallery Items, configure each item by adding an image, select filter category, caption, link and more. You can also drag & drop items to re-arrange anytime needed.

EB Filterable Gallery

You can also display additional content through the enable/disable ‘Load More’ button with customization options like Button Content, and Typography.

EB Filterable Gallery

Style  #

In the ‘Style’ tab, you can make it more appealing by customizing the typography, icon style, colors, and background style from the Colors and Background options from Image Settings, Action Style, Content Style, Filter and Not Found styles according to your need.

EB Filterable Gallery

Advanced  #

From the ‘Advanced’ tab, you can customize Visibility Options, Margin & Padding, Background and more to make your filterable Gallery look more professional.

EB Filterable Gallery

Final Outcome  #

Following these simple and easy steps, you can add the EB Filterable Gallery block and design it in Gutenberg, allowing you to showcase your images dynamically, organized, and visually appealingly.

EB Filterable Gallery

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