
Advanced Search

Enhance user experience on your site by using the Advanced Search block for Gutenberg from Essential Blocks. Explore a diverse range of interactive layouts and styles that seamlessly integrate into your website.

Advanced Search
Essential Blocks advanced search

Limitless Content Customization


Responsive Preview Controls


Infinite Styling Possibilities


45+ Advanced Gutenberg Blocks

Quick Guide To Configure Advanced Search

Classic Layout With Taxonomy Filter

Streamline your search results effortlessly with the intuitive Taxonomy Filter in the Classic Layout of Essential Blocks advanced search block

Classic Layout Showing Total Results

Stay informed & empowered with the Classic Layout showcasing Total Results with Essential Blocks, ensuring you never miss a single search result

Modern Layout With Viewing All Button

Unlock a seamless browsing experience with the Modern Layout’s Viewing All Button, granting you quick & effortless access to explore all search results

Modern Layout Showing All Content Images

Immerse yourself in a visually rich search experience with the Modern Layout, featuring the inclusion of captivating content images in the Advanced Search of Essential Blocks

Modern Layout Showcasing Custom Post Types

Discover the power of Essential Blocks’ Advanced Search feature to effortlessly navigate and explore your custom post types.

Best Gutenberg Library For Advanced Blocks

Get Everything You Need For Web Designing In Gutenberg With Essential Blocks