With EB Post Carousel, you can impress your site visitors by artistically displaying your posts and blogs. This advanced Gutenberg block allows you to have full control over carousel animation speed, stunning preset styles, beautiful layout templates & much more.
Follow the step-by-step guidelines to add Essential Blocks Post Carousel using Essential Blocks For Gutenberg.
How To Activate Essential Blocks Post Carousel? #
To activate EB Post Carousel, navigate to ‘Essential Blocks → ‘Blocks’. Then, toggle to enable this ‘Post Carousel’ block. After that, click on the ‘Save’ button.
How To Configure Essential Blocks Post Carousel? #
First, navigate to WordPress dashboard Page → ‘Add New’ and create a new or select the page if you already have a created one where you want to add Post Carousel.
To add this block, click on the ‘+’ icon. Find Essential Blocks ‘Post Carousel’ block from the search bar. Simply click on the block and it will be added instantly.
Alternatively, you can click on the ‘+’ icon, search ‘Post Carousel’ at the search bar and you will get the block. Simply drag and drop the block as shown.
You can select the layout to show your post carousel on your WordPress website. Click on the ‘Choose’ button and the Template popup will appear. Now pick the layout and select ‘Click to import’ Afterwards, your posts will be shown in that selected layout.
A side panel will appear on the right side of your page. From here you can configure and personalize the contents and appearance of the EB Post Carousel.
General #
Go to the ‘General’ tab to customize the content. Under the ‘Carousel’ tab you can choose ‘Show Arrows’ in between your posts. You can also enable the ‘Adaptive Height’ option as well as the ‘Autoplay’ feature to automatically change posts without user command.
Toggle on the ‘Dots’ option to insert little dots under the block for easy navigation between posts. Enable the ‘Infinite’ option to make your carousel infinitely move between posts. If you want to pause the hover effect simply toggle on the ‘Pause On Hover’ option to halt the carousel while putting the cursor on a post.
EB Post Carousel gives us full freedom to control the ‘Autoplay Speed’ & ‘Animation Speed’ of the carousel. You can also decide how many slides you want to show on the block from the ‘Slides To Show’ option. Pick any ‘Dot Preset’ you want from 3 available styles.
Now, go to the ‘Layout’ tab and pick any ‘Template’ style that suits you best. You can also easily customize your ‘Thumbnail Height’. If you want to ‘Show Titles’ just enable the title option as well as change the ‘Title Tag’, and ‘Title Words’ length.
Toggle on the ‘Show Excerpt’ option to display your excerpt text and maintain the word count from the ‘Excerpt Words’ option. You can also display your meta, read more button by simply enabling the ‘Show Read More Button’ & ‘Meta’ options. Customize your ‘Header Meta’ & ‘Footer Meta’ as per your preference.
Now navigate to the ‘Query’ tab and set post ‘Authors’, ‘Category’, ‘Tags’, etc. easily. You can also exclude existing posts or include any new post by customizing the ‘Post Include’ & ‘Post Exclude’ options respectively. You will have 3 available sources to fetch your post. You can choose ‘Post’, ‘Page’, or even any ‘Product Page’ if you want.
Set your post amount from ‘Post Per Page’ and set the ‘Offset’ for your post. Change your post order by ascending or descending from the ‘Order By’ & ‘Order’ options.
Styles #
From the ‘Styles’ tab, personalize the Post Carousel block appearance. You can change the ‘Slides Gap’ between carousel slides. Under the ‘Column’ tab customize the margin, padding & various background options like ‘Background Type’, ‘Background Image’, ‘Background Color’, ‘Border & Shadow’, etc option. Customize your ‘Thumbnail’ border radius & margin and customize ‘Overlay Color’ & ‘Overlay Hover Color’ from there.
Edit your ‘Title’ & ‘Excerpt’ color, alignment, typography, margin, etc. Go to ‘Meta Styles’ & customize ‘Header Meta Alignment’, ‘Header Meta Gap’ & ‘Header Meta Margin’. You can also tweak ‘Footer Meta Alignment’ & ‘Footer Meta Margin’ for your post footers. Pick any ‘Arrow’ & ‘Dot’ color, size, positioning, gap, etc.
Advanced #
From the ‘Advanced’ tab, you can change the appearance of the tabs more interactively. Here, you can customize Margin, Padding, Background type, Responsive Control, Animation, Border & Shadow, etc. Multiple advanced block design customization options are also available there.
Final Outcome #
After making all the changes press the ‘Publish’ button and you can see your EB Post Carousel block. By following the simple and easy steps, you can add the EB Product Carousel block and style it in Gutenberg.
Here’s how you can easily set and design your EB Post Carousel in Gutenberg.
Got stuck? Feel free to contact our support for further assistance.