[Ultimate Guide] How to Convert Elementor to Gutenberg + PRO Tips

WordPress powers hundreds of millions of websites around the world. As the most preferred CMS option, WordPress also offers you flexibility with multiple page builders. The two most common choices for this are Elementor and the built-in Gutenberg. But what if you had to convert Elementor to Gutenberg?

[Ultimate Guide] How to Convert Elementor to Gutenberg + PRO Tips

Gutenberg is rapidly evolving with every WordPress update. So, more users are switching their websites to Gutenberg from Elementor. However, it can be a long process that needs to be done carefully. So today, we will show you how to switch from Elementor to Gutenberg perfectly without any issues. Our comprehensive guide will cover everything from start to finish. 

Elementor vs Gutenberg: A Quick Comparison

Before we start the guide, let us clear up a common question: what is the main difference between Elementor and Gutenberg? Some of the pros why many users prefer Gutenberg include faster speed and a collection of versatile blocks thanks to continuous WordPress updates. Besides, it is built within the WordPress editor.

With numerous contributors working across 20+ categories to develop WordPress and make it better with every update. So this means Gutenberg also falls under these updates. Elementor has more versatile design customization capabilities. It can be a more suitable option for more advanced users.

How to Convert Elementor to Gutenberg: Step-by-Step Guide

Now, let us see how to convert Elementor to Gutenberg. Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to do it smoothly and efficiently.

Step 1: Create a Full Backup & Staging Site

The first step is to back up everything. So, create a full backup of your WordPress website for extra security. You have the option to edit individual pages from your WordPress dashboard. You can also create a staging site that exactly imitates your live site and acts as a safe test environment. You can use various backups and site staging methods. We highly suggest using a trusted solution like xCloud for this purpose. xCloud offers a convenient WordPress site staging functionality with push-pull features between the live and staging sites.

Step 2: Deactivate Elementor Plugin from WordPress Dashboard

Next, you have to deactivate the Elementor plugin from the WordPress dashboard. For this, log in to your WordPress dashboard. Then, navigate to the ‘Plugins’ tab in the left sidebar. Here, under the ‘Installed Plugins’ option, locate Elementor from the list. Click on the ‘Deactivate’ button and Elementor will be deactivated.

Deactivate Elementor Plugin from WordPress Dashboard

Step 3: Rebuild Your Website’s Pages Using Gutenberg

Now, you have to rebuild your website’s pages using Gutenberg. So, from the ‘All Pages’ option under the ‘Pages’ tab, proceed to edit your desired page.

proceed to edit a page from All Pages in WordPress dashboard

As you can see, we have to rebuild everything on the page by placing appropriate Gutenberg blocks individually. Click on the page content and then click on the ‘Convert to blocks’ button. You will then be able to place Gutenberg blocks while editing. 

click on the ‘Convert to blocks’ button

Match everything with your Elementor pages and add blocks accordingly. Click on the ‘+’ icon or ‘Add block’ button to add blocks for text (paragraphs or heading), images, videos, logos and other content. As you can see in the example below, we have used different blocks to imitate the original Elementor page’s look.

Click on the ‘+’ icon or ‘Add block’ button to add blocks

Either choose existing blocks similar to the elements or go for custom blocks. You can also use an advanced Gutenberg blocks library plugin for this.

Final Outcome

Before you go live with your newly designed Gutenberg website, you must meet various Quality Assurance (QA) standards. There are several ways to test this. Ensure all the content can be displayed properly and responsively across desktop, tablet and mobile devices. You can click on the preview button on the top right to access the preview options.

click on the preview button for the preview options

If you find any broken block or error in a preview, you can specifically address it. Optimize the site performance by measuring metrics like loading time, and speed. When you are done rebuilding a page with Gutenberg, remember to save the changes. 

Once you have made sure that your site is properly redesigned on Gutenberg, you can go live. So, migrate your staging site to a live site. To do this, use a good WordPress migration tool for a hassle-free experience. Once the site is live, check again to see if everything is working properly and if all the redesigned components are working like the original Elementor site.

final outcome after converting from Elementor to Gutenberg

Converting Elementor to Gutenberg: 5 PRO Tips

Switching from Elementor to Gutenberg can sometimes be a complicated process. So, we will share five expert tips to convert Elementor to Gutenberg more quickly and easily.

1. Focus on the Most Important Pages & Features First

While redesigning the pages, start with the most important ones first. This means you should first work on content-rich pages that matter the most. So, start with redesigning your home page, contact page, pricing page, testimonials and so on. When editing a page, prioritize important features such as embedded media, forms, buttons, text content, etc.

2. Evaluate the Site & SEO Performance

Make sure that the site and SEO performance are on par after converting to Gutenberg. Remember to compare the new site speed and loading times with the previous data. Also, make sure that the new Gutenberg site is SEO-optimized. Check if all the images have relevant alt tags, focus keyword placement, content length, meta descriptions, meta titles, blog excerpts, hyperlinks and others.

3. Address Block Compatibility, Layout & Styling Issues

When converting from Elementor to Gutenberg, you need to add Gutenberg blocks that match Elementor elements. While doing so, use compatible Gutenberg blocks and check if they have any layout or styling issues. If you cannot fix them after adjusting the settings, choose an alternative block. If you cannot find your desired blocks, consider installing a Gutenberg blocks library plugin with additional block options.

4. Use a Good Solution for Backups, Staging & Migration

As we have explained in the previous steps, you should have backups, create a staging site and also migrate your staging site to a live site. Doing so will make sure you do not lose any important site data. This is where a trusted and powerful tool can make all the difference. We recommend using a single tool where you can get all these solutions in one place.

5. Seek Expert Help

It is totally possible to convert Elementor to Gutenberg on your own. However, you can consult skilled experts for better guidance during the process. Experts will share practical insights and handy tips that will save you a lot of time, resources and effort. Do not hesitate to contact them in online and offline WordPress communities.

Switching to Gutenberg from Elementor: Key Takeaways

If you want to convert your WordPress site from Elementor to Gutenberg, following a few key steps and tips can ensure a comfortable transition process. Remember to focus on gradual conversion to ensure the highest level of optimization. Moreover, consider installing additional plugins and tools for access to more versatile Gutenberg blocks and WordPress backup, migration and testing solutions. 

If you like the functionality and feel of Gutenberg, it can be a better alternative to Elementor for you in many cases. So, you can definitely consider it as your preferred WordPress editor. Join our Facebook community and subscribe to our blogs to stay updated with the latest updates.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Let us look at five questions about Gutenberg and Elementor and their answers. We will address some common queries so that you have a clearer understanding of both editors.

1. Is Gutenberg better than Elementor?

There is no direct answer to this question. It depends mostly on the WordPress user and their goals. What works for some may not be the best option for you. It also depends a lot on your skills and individual preferences.

Whether you choose Elementor or Gutenberg, select the option that fulfills your website’s requirements. Compare the pros and cons of both editors. Talk with experts to get more insights. This will help you make a more informed decision.

2. How to solve block compatibility problems during conversion?

Block compatibility issues can sometimes arise when adding Gutenberg blocks to match the Elementor elements on your pages. To solve these issues, try to experiment with various similar blocks. You can consider using additional blocks by installing a Gutenberg blocks library plugin.

Adjust the necessary layout, styling and other advanced options for every block if needed. Make sure that there are no broken blocks and that everything looks good in the preview. Conduct necessary quality assurance testing before and after going live as well.   

3. Is it essential to learn how to use Gutenberg when switching from Elementor?

Gutenberg is the built-in WordPress editor and over time it has evolved through multiple major updates. Today, you can use it to build your WordPress site similar to an Elementor-built website.

Besides, you have access to multiple blocks that match the look and functionality of Elementor widgets. You can further customize your page through additional blocks by using a dedicated plugin. So, it is not essential to learn everything from scratch if you have never used Gutenberg before. Read this detailed blog to get an overall idea of Gutenberg.

4. Should I convert everything at once or opt for a more gradual process? 

We recommend adopting a gradual conversion process instead of converting everything at once. If you have multiple teams working on the conversion, make sure that they can collaborate efficiently at all phases.

Create a step-by-step plan that breaks down everything into smaller and more manageable stages. By taking such an incremental approach, you can convert from Elementor to Gutenberg with fewer errors and less hassle.

5. Is it necessary to install and use a Gutenberg blocks library plugin?

Installing a Gutenberg blocks library plugin will give you access to additional blocks that you can experiment with. You can also come up with better designs and functionalities with the extra blocks.

Having such a plugin in hand provides you with more flexibility during the conversion process. So, you can definitely consider installing a blocks library plugin in your WordPress website.

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