Data Table
With the EB Data Table block, you can present a large set of important data elegantly and in a user-friendly manner on your website. This super useful block offers seamless customization options to create visually stunning tables.

Limitless Content Customization

Responsive Preview Controls

Infinite Styling Possibilities

45+ Advanced Gutenberg Blocks
Quick Tutorial To Learn How To Use EB Data Table
Data Table With A Highlighted Even Column
Effortlessly showcase important data in a beautifully structured and customizable format with the EB Data Table and highlight all even column.
Data Table With Highlighted Even Row & Pagination
Add pagination and highlight even rows to allow visitors easily navigate through the table and transform raw data into visually appealing insights.
Effective Search Bar With Data Table
Deliver an immersive data browsing experience with an advanced search bar and present data in a way that improves user experience.
Customized Data Table
Take control of your data presentation and customize the design with the feature-rich block to add details as needed stunningly.
Best Gutenberg Library For Advanced Blocks
Get Everything You Need For Web Designing In Gutenberg With Essential Blocks